
Ada berita baru ternyata Geocities mo di tutup, kenapa ya? padahal situs Geocities kan termasuk salahsatu situs besar yang dimiliki oleh Yahoo. dan ini email yang diberikan yahoo perihal penutupan situs Geocities.

Important notice: GeoCities is closing.
Dear Yahoo! GeoCities customer,

We're writing to let you know that Yahoo! GeoCities, our free web site building service and community, is closing on October 26, 2009.

On October 26, 2009, your GeoCities site will no longer appear on the Web, and you will no longer be able to access your GeoCities account and files.

What You Need to Do
If you'd like to move your web site, or save the images and other files you've posted online, you need to act now by choosing one of the following options:

• Move your site to Yahoo! Web Hosting.
We know your files are important to you, and we want to make moving to Web Hosting as easy and affordable as we can. For a limited time, you can move your files automatically, take advantage of terrific features like a personalized domain name and email, even redirect your GeoCities web address to your new site — all for only $4.99 a month for a full year.

For more information and complete terms, please see our special offer now.

• Download your files to your own computer.
With your pages and images saved offline, you can re-create your site with any hosting provider.

To quickly download your published files, visit your GeoCities web site, right-click on each page, and choose Save Page As... from the menu that appears. Choose a location on your computer to save your files, then click OK or Save. Learn more about downloading your files.

Don't Wait
Please be aware that after October 26, your GeoCities files will be deleted from our servers, and will not be recoverable. If you'd like to save your files, you must download them now or move to Yahoo! Web Hosting. If you need assistance, please visit the help center.

We want to thank you for being a GeoCities customer, and hope you continue to enjoy our other Yahoo! services.

Best regards,

The Yahoo! GeoCities team

Jadi buat temen-temen yang telah upload file-filenya di Geocities dot com buruan deh di pindahin file-filenya, dari pada nanti nyesel karena Pihak Yahoo! akan menghapus dan tidak bertanggung jawab atas file-file yang hilang setelah tanggal 26 oktober nanti. mumpung masih ada waktu.

Debit Card Gratis untuk Verifikasi Paypal anda bag. 2

Sepulangnya dari aktifitas rutin sehari-hari tgl 22 mei 2009, aktivitas offline yang lumayan sempet bikin kepala pusing Aaarrgghhh…. Gw lihat diatas meja tergeletak sepucuk amplop berwarna putih yang ternyata surat itu berasal dari Payoneer Inc 410 Park Avenue – 15th Floor New York, NY 10022 yang isinya adalah surat pemberitahuan bahwa Payoneer Debit Card Gratis yang gw buat satu bulan yang lalu telah sampai dengan dilampirkannya Kartu Debit Gratis tersebut. Dengan hati sedikit kaget ternyata kartu debit gratis itu benar-benar sampai kerumah dalam hati berkata "Berarti ini bukan scam".

Didalam surat itu juga diberitahukan bahwa kartu ini harus di aktifkan terlebih dahulu dan cara mengaktifkan kartu itu juga sudah tersedia didalam isi surat tersebut. tetapi dengan catatan setelah kartu diaktifkan maka kartu itu bisa mulai dipakai di ATM-ATM yang menerima dan berlogo debit Mastercard, dan tentunya kartu tersebut juga harus berisi dana yang bisa kita isi melalui transfer dana via kartu Kredit lainnya. Karena jika kartu debit tersebut masih kosong/ belum ada dana yang tersimpan, janganlah sekali-kali anda menggunakan kartu debit itu di ATM, karena kartu anda bisa tertelan didalam ATM itu.

Dengan perasaan sedikit senang karena seperti yang gw baca di artikel sebelumnya ( Debit Card Gratis untuk Verifikasi Paypal anda bag.1 ) bahwa kartu kredit ini bisa digunakan untuk memverifikasi account Paypal, maka tanpa pikir panjang lagi setelah mandi dan makan malam gw langsung meluncur ke warnet tempat biasa gw dan teman-teman mangkal sampe berjam-jam disana, (kadang2 sampe pagi juga :D ). Gak lupa kartu debitnya gw bawa juga soalnya disitu terdapat cara untuk mengaktifkan kartu tersebut.

Dengan sedikit perasaan tidak sabar langsung aja gw akses ke dengan mengikuti instruksi yang ada disurat itu untuk mengaktifkan kartu debit gratisan tersebut. setelah aktif dan berjalan lancar langsung gw coba untuk memverifikasi account Paypal gw yang emang belum pernah diverifikasi, dan belum bisa buat withdraw hanya baru sekedar belanja online aja, mungkin suatu saat gw beli aja Virtual Credit Card ( VCC ), tapi untuk sekarang ini yah lumayanlah itung-itung buat nabung hehehe…

Gak pake pikir panjang lagi langsung gw akses ke dan langsung gw klik menu untuk verifikasi kartu kredit / debit (Link and confirm my debit or credit card - Link and confirm your card to get Verified and lift limits on your PayPal account). Dan disitu gw isi data-data yang diperlukan yaitu nama, jenis kartu, nomor kartu (nomor yang tertera di depan kartu), expire date (masa berlaku kartu), dan security code (tiga digit angka yang terdapat di belakang kartu) lalu klik OK.

Tapi ternyata tidak berhasil…! Muncul tulisan seperti ini ( This credit card has been denied by the bank that issued your credit card. For details on why your card was denied, please contact your credit card issuer's customer service department. Or, you may want to try adding a different credit card. )

Karna rasa penasaran, gw kirimkan email kepada : Payoneer Customer Support isinya soal pertanyaan mengapa kartu debit payoneer tidak bisa dipakai untuk verifikasi account paypal. Selang sehari kemudian gw dapet email jawaban dari payoneer customer support yang jawabannya adalah seperti ini : ( silahkan anda terjemahkan sendiri ya :) )

Subject: i cannot activate my Paypal Account

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting us.

Websites that require a credit card for account verification (Paypal, eBay, etc.) usually do so by making a microcharge (a charge of less than $1.00) to the card used for account verification. After the charge has gone through and viability of the card has been verified, the microcharge is reversed, so that, overall, no money is taken from the card.
To use your Payoneer card for account verification, the Payoneer card must be activated and loaded with funds, otherwise the microcharge will fail.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.



Payoneer Customer Support

oohh…. Ternyata harus ada uang/funds nya toh… ya jelas aja account paypal ku ga mo di verifikasi lah wong kartu debitnya kosong melompong alias NOL BESARrrrr…. Yo wis lah kalo gitu tak isi lain waktu saja :D

Paman Google Keracunan Gumblar

Gumblar yang dianggap sebagai Racun Situs-situs mesin pencari / search engine seperti semakin mengancam dan semakin ganas. Seperti yang gw baca dari dengan judul berita Ancaman 'Racun Google' Makin Ganas dengan isi berita Serangan program jahat dengan julukan Gumblar makin serius. Pengguna internet diharap makin waspada dengan serangan yang 'meracuni' hasil pencarian di Google itu.

Bagi pengguna internet diharapkan berhati-hati apalagi anda yang selalu mengandalkan si Paman Google sebagai alat untuk mencari bahan / data-data yang anda inginkan. Karena apa? Program jahat Gumblar akan menginfeksikan Racun ke mesin pencari google melalui hasil pancarian dari Kata kunci / keyword yang kita tulis pada mesin pencari. Racun Gumblar bisa membajak hasil pencarian dari google dan akan diarahkan pada situs-situs yang berbahaya.

Entah akan diarahkan kemana, mungkin saja akan diarahkan ke situs-situs Porno, situs Bugil / adult, yang biasanya isinya selalu memajang gambar cewek / gadis bugil, gambar cewek telanjang, foto bugil, Cewek Bugil Telanjang Koleksi Gambar cewek dan gadis cantik, koleksi gambar bugil, dan juga menawarkan free download Video Bokep 3GP, Video Bugil, cerita dewasa, Cerita Sex, Cerita Panas video porno gratis, dan yang paling mengerikan adalah situs-situs itu tidak bisa dipercaya keamanannya yang mungkin saja bisa menyebarkan Virus dan Trojan yang bisa membahayakan. Kata kunci diatas juga ditujukan untuk mendukung kampanye anti bokep dan video porno.

Pada awal kehadirannya, Program jahat Gumblar menggunakan situs untuk menyebarkan Program jahat kepada pengguna Internet, oleh karena itu serangan ini dinamakan Gumblar, tapi kini sumber program jahat itu beralih ke situs

Gumblar awalnya menyebar dan menginfeksi di berbagai situs, ini termasuk beberapa situs popular. Kemudian setelah menginfeksi situs-situs tersebut Gumblar juga akan menginfeksi pengunjung situs dengan program jahat Trojan Downloader. Yang akhirnya menginfeksi komputer korban, lalu program jahat dalam computer korban akan mengunduh program jahat lain dari internet yang akan meracuni hasil dari pencarian di Google. Dan pada saat korban melakukan pencarian di Google, maka hasil pencarian itu akan dibajak dan akan diarahkan ke situs yang berbahaya.

Scansafe sebagai salah satu perusahaan keamanan jaringan internasional melaporkan bahwa Gumblar telah meraih pertumbuhan hingga 246 persen, sedangakan perusahaan keamanan lainnya yang bernama Sophos menyebut Gumblar alias JSRedir-R sebagai program jahat berbasis web terbesar dalam sejarah.

Program jahat ini juga diketahui sedang menyiapkan sebuah jaringan komputer yang telah terinfeksi (botnet) yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan jahat seperti penyebaran spam, virus atau serangan cyber.

Wah kalo sudah kek gini mending lebih hati-hati deh, ada baiknya kita waspada bukan?
Tapi lebih cepat mana neh penyebarannya antara Virus Gumblar dengan Virus Flu Babi?
Virus Flu Babi saja hanya dalam beberapa pekan sudah bisa menyebar ke berbagai Negara diantaranya Mexico di amerika sana dan sekitarnya, lalu kemudian ke eropa, juga dan sekarang sudah sampai ke asia di Negara Jepang dan Australia. Ah... seperti sedang mengadakan kompetisi saja antara dunia nyata dengan dunia maya. Semoga saja Negara Indonesia ini tidak sampai terkena oleh Virus-virus Jahat dan mematikan tersebut.

Ikut Kontes Wii Challenge You In May

Halo kawan ada info baru nih, ini kontes baru dari
Tadi pagi ada email dari infolinks ternyata infolinks sedang mengadakan kontes yang berjudul Wii challenge you in May
Hadiahnya lumayan lho… yaitu dua buah Nintendo Wii untuk dua orang yang menang dalam kontes ini.

Untuk ikutan kontes ini caranya sangat mudah sekali, yang pasti kamu harus daftar di infolinks terlebih dahulu karena kontes ini hanya untuk anggota infolinks yang aktif dan telah terdaftar.
Kalo kamu kurang jelas ini saya berikan isi email yang datang dari tadi pagi

Dear (my name)
You want it Wii give it!

Do you have friends with a blog or website? Both of you can win a Wii!

After the tremendous participation of the Infolink’s April challenge, Wii have decided to start a new contest which begins today!

The best part is that if you win, your friend wins too… Double Wii! The winner of the raffle will win a Nintendo Wii and his or her friend will also win a Nintendo Wii!

What are you waiting for? Start flipping through your phone book and start spreading the word!

Good Luck!

Liat B
Customer Satisfaction Manager

Terms & Conditions:

1. Contact your friends who have a blog/website and let them know about the option to earn more with Infolinks In-text ads. In order to participate in the raffle they need to sign up as a publisher by using this link. When your friend registers to Infolinks, in the comment’s section your friend must write “I was referred by PID number.” No exceptions can be made so make sure you give your friends your accurate PID!

2. Your friend must integrate Infolinks script in their website and be an active publisher of Infolinks.

3. Registration ends June 10th, 2009.

4. The lottery will take place on June 15th, 2009. We will notify the winners by personal email and in our June challenge email.

5. The Infolinks May challenge is only open to active Infolinks publishers.

6. If there is a problem with shipping to specific destinations, Infolinks will issue a payment of the equivalent value.

7. Infolinks reserves all rights to change the terms at any time without notice.

Untuk anda yang mau ikutan kontes Wii Challenge You in May ini, dan ingin menjadi Refferal saya silahkan baca cara-caranya dibawah ini.

Caranya adalah :

Anda harus melakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu klik disini

Lalu isi pada kolom yang disediakan

Company name :
Salutation & First name:
Last name:
Confirm email:
Site details:
Website URL:
Website category:
Website language:
Monthly page views:
How did you hear about us?
Comments: ( Pada Kolom Comments tuliskan : I was referred by PID 17861 ) ini menunjukkan bahwa anda menjadi referral saya untuk ikut dalam kontes ini. ( nomor PID saya adalah : PID 17861 )

Untuk lebih jelas klik pada Gambar

Kemudian klik continue
Dan lanjutkan untuk step ke 2 dan ke 3 isi sesuai dengan data yang diperlukan.
biasanya blog/web anda akan di review terlebih dahulu dan akan di approve dalam waktu 2x24jam / 2 hari.

Setelah di approve kemudian login lalu klik pada tab Integration Guide kemudian pasang script yang telah disediakan di blog / website anda. klik disini untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, atau tulis pada kolom komentar bila ada yang perlu ditanyakan, nanti akan saya jawab secepatnya.

Ayo cepetan karena pendaftaran akan ditutup pada tanggal 10 juni 2009, dan akan diumumkan pada tanggal 15 juni. pengumuman akan di beritahukan melalui alamat email masing-masing peserta.

Jika ada yang belum jelas bisa bertanya pada saya dengan menuliskan pertanyaan pada kotak komentar dibawah. Terimakasih jika anda ingin ikut dalam kontes ini dan menjadi Refferal saya.
klik disini untuk ikutan jangan lupa pada kolom comments tuliskan " I was referred by PID 17861 "

Greetings from

Pasti sudah banyak yang mengenal yaitu salah satu situs PTR (Paid to Review) yang mungkin sudah nggak asing lagi di dunia blogger. apakah PTR / paid to review itu? Paid to Review (PTR) adalah sebuah program bisnis Online Internet dimana kita sebagai Blogger sering disebut juga Publisher di wajibkan untuk menulis sebuah Review tentang suatu produk / website / apa saja sesuai dengan keinginan Advertiser (pengiklan). Nah, klo anda punya blog sendiri dan udah punya Google PageRank, kenapa ga kamu coba aja ikutan juga bisnis PTR ini. Hasilnya lumayan lho...

Kalo untuk blogsvertise sendiri mereka akan membayar kita dengan dollar per review, dengan harga yang bervariasi antara $4 - $20 per entry / per review, apalagi kalo blog anda sudah mempunyai Pagerank yang tinggi, maka Job review akan lebih sering datang dan ditawarkan untuk di review di blog kita. Asiknya lagi, Penghasilan dari Job Review akan di transfer melalui account Paypal kita dalam jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan. Biasanya uang dollarnya akan ditransfer ke account paypal kita dalam waktu satu bulan setelah review kita di approve. Kalo kamu mo ikutan Program PTR ini klik aja disini.

Nah, tadi pagi ada sebuah email yang datang dari situs Paid to Review (PTR) tersebut yaitu sebuah News Bulletin. Email ini berisi tentang pemberitahuan kepada Blogger bahwa belakangan ini mereka mendapatkan banyak pesan dari para advertiser yang menginginkan blog-blog Publisher yang membuat review mereka adalah blog-blog yang lebih berkualitas.

Dan untuk memenuhi keinginan mereka (advertiser) dari pihak blogsvertise akan mereview dan memberikan rating kepada blog - blog yang sudah di setujui. Dan untuk meningkatkan rating blog para Publisher pihak blogvertise juga memberikan tips dan saran sebagai berikut :

- Menggunakan tatabahasa dan ejaan yang benar ( menggunakan ejaan yang disempurnakan atau EYD ).
- Jangan copy paste ( Posting Original / bukan hasil copy paste ).
- Menggunakan design / template blog yang unik, bukan design bawaan atau default template.
- Postingan dan gambar yang original bisa meningkatkan kualitas sebuah blog.
- Meng invite teman untuk berkunjung ke blog secara berkala dan teratur.
- Mengelola blog secara teratur.
- Saling bertukar link dengan blog yang lain.
- Daftarkan blog kesitus blog directory.
- Dan yang terakhir jangan menggunakan domain yang sudah habis masa aktifnya.
Kira-kira itulah tips dan saran yang diberikan oleh blogsvertise, jika anda ingin mengikuti program PTR / Paid to Review di situs ini.

Rasa "Kangen" ini...!!!

Rasa kangen mang ga bisa dibantah ya! Seperti yang gw rasain ini. Gw lagi kangen banget sama rumah gw yang satu ini walaupun sampe sekarang gw belum juga ngerti benar soal seo, Page Rank, Tag, Backlink, Anchor, Banned, Click Fraud, Robots.txt, SERPs, tapi tetep gw sempatkan untuk belajar seo. dan ini adalah tempat curhat gw, tempat menempatkan kenangan-kenangan dalam perjalanan hidup ini. Manis, asam, serta asinnya kehidupan yang masih harus gw lalui sampai akhir waktu nanti.
Rasa kangen semakin menggebu2 disaat gw bertemu berbagai macam masalah yang membuat kita akan semakin bijak dalam menghargai arti kehidupan. Iya masalah pasti akan selalu ada dan dia akan datang dari berbagai macam sudut dan sisi. Ga perduli masalah itu datang dari belakang, samping atau dari atas dan menimpa kepala lo sampai elo ga bisa bangun lagi. Tapi gw yakin segala sesuatunya itu pasti, pasti dan pastttiii… ada jalan keluarnya. Jadi elo, elo, dan elo ga usah takut akan datangnya sebuah masalah. Toh didunia ini ga da yang abadi bukan? Dan lo ga perlu takut kalo satu masalah selesai dan akan datang lagi satu masalah yang lainnya. Walaupun elo dah berusaha menghindar sampe kepala botakpun lo ga bakal bisa menghindar dari yang namanya masalah.

Rasa kangen yang terus bergelora didalam jiwa disaat segala sesuatunya berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Kerja keras serta semangat yang tak kunjung padam hanya karena persoalan kecil yang memang harus bisa kita hadapi. Bukankah tuhan tidak akan memberikan cobaan melebihi batas kemampuan hambanya? Ya tentu saja, gw masih memegang kata mutiara yang dibalut emas murni 100 karat itu dan tanpa keraguan.

Rasa kangen telah membakar jiwa semakin panas dan rasanya ingin berteriak saja “Aku Bebaaaasss…..!!!” lalu kutulis dalam bait-bait penuh arti dan makna penuh motivasi dan keberanian dalam menghadapi segala tantangan dengan kelembutan serta kekuatan yang tak terpatahkan. Siapa bilang diam itu emas? Ya ada benarnya diam itu emas namun, terkadang, diam itu tidak menyatakan suatu kebenaran.

Rasa Kangen terus bergejolak dalam hasrat angan rindu akan tempat yang bisa menampung segala bau busuk yang akan segera keluar dari dalam raganya. Tiada guna keluh kesah tapi pembuktian serta semangat yang sampai saat ini masih bisa dipertahankan untuk bertahan dalam kewarasan akal dan pikiran.

Namun disaat rasa kangen itu padam kan ku ukir selalu dalam bingkai-bingkai kenangan kehidupan kan ku gantung menjadi pigura-pigura besar di dinding hati nurani. Agar menjadi sebuah lentera hidup agar ku tidak lagi bercermin dalam kegelapan yang selalu memenjarakan aku dalam kekangan masa lalu. dan menghapuskan titik-titik jenuh dalam diri.

HUUUAAHHH…. …. Dah sebulan lebih gw ga nulis diblog gw ini. Karena pekerjaan offline gw yang lumayan padet belakangan ini. Kangennn… banget rasanya kepengen corat-coret di dindingnya yang selalu menyisakan ruang buat gw mencurahkan apa yang ada didalam otak gw, apa yang gw genggam dalam tangan gw, apa yang gw lihat dalam mata gw, apa yang gw jalani dengan kaki gw. Thanks guys, you are my man.

Debit Card Gratis untuk Verifikasi Paypal anda

Tadi sempet kaget aja pas buka multiply dan tiba2 mata ku tertuju pada satu postingan yang berjudul Debit Card GRATIS untuk Verifikasi Paypal yaitu cara mendapatkan kartu debit mastercard gratis dari amerika yang sangat berguna untuk verifikasi Paypal. Langsung aja gw baca dengan seksama karena kebetulan juga paypal gw belum pernah di verifikasi, tapi namanya juga usaha apaboleh buat kotoran siapa bulat-bulat bapaknye jago silat tapi sayang juragan jerawat. Setelah gw baca gw juga coba untuk mengikuti semua langkah-langkah yang sudah diberikan di situ. Dan bagi kalian yang mo coba-coba ya silahkan aja mumpung gratis neh, ga keluar biaya apa-apa kok. Dan nanti kartu debit mastercard gratis dari ini bakal sampe kerumah dalam waktu 2 minggu.

karena gw baru daftar jadi kartunya belum sampe kerumah gw, tp gw lihat dah banyak juga kok yang berhasil sampe kerumah. jadi kenapa harus ragu-ragu toh semuanya gratis ga da yang dirugikan, silahkan dicoba deh biar nanti kita terima kartunya barengan ya, terus kita posting deh bukti kebenarannya bahwa kita telah menerima kartu debit mastercard gratis dari payoneer tersebut. Dan ini langkah-langkah untuk membuat kartu debit card gratis :

Hanya dengan daftar disini, Anda bisa mendapatkan kartu debit gratis keluaran dari Bank Royal Scotland. Kartu tersebut sangat berguna untuk verified paypal, pengambilan uang dari penghasilan Anda di situs ini atau afiliasi yg lainnya di seluruh ATM didunia yg ada logo mastercardnya.

Anda tidak perlu khawatir kartu tsb legal, aman dan terpercaya dan yg paling penting gratis. Nah bagaimana cara memperoleh kartu tsb dan memperoleh penghasilan disini ? Bacalah baik-baik dan ikuti langkah-langkahnya.
Langkah Pertama Daftar dulu: KLIK DISINI
Lalu klik Join Now
Isilah data-data Anda dg lengkap.
I am a : Man jika Anda laki-laki, Woman jika Anda perempuan
Interested in meeteng a : Man jika ingin mencari/berteman dg laki-laki, woman dg perempuan, atau bisa Anda pilih dua-duanya.
For : Friendship (berteman), Dating (ketemuan), Serious relationship (hubungan serius), Marriage (menikah), bisa Anda pilih lebih dari satu, pilih semuanya juga bisa.
Birthdate : Tanggal lahir Anda.
Country : Negara Anda.
Zip/Postal code : Kosongkan saja, jika Anda berada selain di Amerika ( US only )
Email Address : Isikan email Anda
Username : username Anda antara 4 sampai 16 karakter
Lalu klik Click Here and Have Fun
Setelah itu Anda masuk ketahap berikutnya.
City : Kota tempat tinggal Anda
Closest City: Sama seperti diatas
State: Propinsi Anda
Your Height : Tinggi Anda
Your Body Type : Tipe badan Anda
Your Race : Ras Anda atau suku Anda biasanya kalau Indonesia adalah Asia
Marital Status : Status pernikahan Anda
Your Religion : Agama Anda
Your Education : Pendidikan terakhir Anda
Your Occupation : Pekerjaan Anda misal: Staff office, jika Anda pegawai, Business jika Anda pengusaha dll.
Introduction Title : Judul tentang diri Anda, misal : I am a good Man atau I like Travelling, dll minimum 10 karakter
Tell others about yourself : Ceritakanlah tentang diri Anda, misalnya: I am a good women, I like travelling and my hobby reading, computer, sports, and others, i love new friend men or women, buatlah suka-suka Anda, minimumnya 50 karakter.
Jika Anda sudah memiliki foto uploadlah foto Anda, klik browse lalu carilah file yg berisi foto Anda. Jika Anda belum punya fota bisa Anda kosongkan dulu, nanti dikemudian hari bisa Anda isi kembali.
Setelah itu klik Click to Join. Maka akan ada email masuk di email anda.
Setelah itu bukalah email Anda, lalu klik Activate Now
Maka Anda sudah diaktivasi, jika Anda ingin login isilah dg username dan password yg ada di email Anda.

Setelah itu keluarlah dulu, dengan klik log out.

LANGKAH KEDUA: klik untuk membuat affiliasi sumber dollarnya.
Klik pada Menu : Affiliates
Lalu klik Affiliate Signup.
Isilah data-data tsb dg benar.
Preferred Program: Pilihlah no 1
First Name: Nama pertama Anda
Last Name: Nama akhir Anda
URL: Website/blog Anda, wajib Anda isi, jika Anda belum punya isi saja dengan, tapi ini hanya untuk sementara nanti bisa Anda ganti.
Desired Password : Password yg Anda inginkan
Preferred Newsletter Language: English
Email Address: Masukkan email Anda
Secondary Email Address: Email Anda yg lain, boleh juga dikosongkan
Checks Payable To: Nama lengkap Anda sesuai KTP
Street Address: Alamat Anda sesuai KTP
City: Kota tempat tinggal Anda
State/Province: Provinsi tempat Anda tinggal
Country: Negara Anda
ZIP/Postal Code: Kode Pos kota Anda
What is your business tax classification? Kosongkan saja karena untuk warga Amerika saja
Tax ID or Social Security Number: Kosongkan saja karena untuk warga Amerika saja
Phone Number: No telp Anda, misalnya no telp Anda: 021 1234567 maka buat 6221 1234567 atau no hp Anda 081xxxxx maka buat 6281xxxxx.( harus pakai kode 62, yaitu kode telphone Indonesia)
Which Instant Messenger do you use? Pilih saja None
Use ePassporte : Pilih saja No
Please give us your comments: Buatlah komentar Anda misalnya: Heloo. I like it. Thank You,
Setelah itu klik Click Here for the Last Step
Lalu klik kotak kecil yg ada tulisan
Yes, I have read and accepted the Affiliate Agreement, ……..
Lalu klik Submit.
Setelah itu klik Account Information
Lalu klik yg warna biru di tulisan Here is your account information. Click here to update your information.
klik Payoneer: Signup to be paid by Prepaid MasterCard®.You will be directed to a FriendFinder page hosted by Payoneer, where you can sign up for a card.
Lalu isilah data-data Anda di Payoneer tsb, setelah Anda Isi tunggulah kira-kira 20 hari kartu Anda sampai di rumah Anda, setelah kartu debit Anda sampai lalu aktivasilah ikuti petunjuk yg ada disurat yg dikirim bersama dg kartu Anda. Nah gampangkan..

Hanya dg menjadi member FrindFinder Anda bisa dapat kartu debit dari payoneer, kalau Anda langsung daftar di payoner Anda tidak bisa mendapatkannya karena country untuk Indonesia tidak ada.

Lihatlah kembali email Anda, disana Anda akan diberikan username dan password untuk affiliate. Login sebagai member dg login sebagai affiliate itu beda.
Dengan gabung di affiliate FriendFinder Anda juga sudah gabung dg kroni-kroninya FrindFinder, byk sekali ternyata, ada adultfriendfinder dll, memang situs ini berbau porno tapi kita hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja. Saya tidak mengajak Anda untuk berporno ria, tapi hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja, yaitu kartu debit dan dolarnya. OK...!!!

Memang sih cukup panjang tapi apa salahnya kalau kita coba, bukan begitu pak guru? lumayan kan dapet kartu debit card gratis. Saran saya bacalah dengan seksama dan sabar dan segera sediakan segelas minuman segar biar ga ngantuk dan tetap konsentrasi. Semoga berhasil. KLIK DISINI

Wahh.... ini ternyata SCAM. Gw dah daftar lebih dari dua minggu tapi kartu debit gratis yang diharapkan tidak kunjung tiba hiks... :(

update : Pada tanggal 22 Mei 2009 ternyata Kartunya benar-benar sampai kerumah saya hehehe... dikirim langsung dari Payoneer Inc, 410 Park Avenue - 15th Floor Newyork, NY 10022. total waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk kartu sampai kerumah menjadi satu bulan.
tapi sayangnya saya belum bisa mengaktifkan account paypal dengan menggunakan kartu ini :(
Baca kelanjutan update disini

Aku dan TemanKu bag.1

Hahaha… Temanku yang satu ini sangat pandai sekali membuat puisi, dari mulai percintaan, kritik social, sisi-sisi gelap kehidupan, persahabatan, bahkan puisi lucu yang bisa membuat kita tertawa heheh…. Yah minimal tersenyumlah. Atau malah bisa membuat para kaum hawa klepek-klepek (kek ikan kehabisan air). Coba baca saja salah satu puisi buatannya yang mungkin bisa membuat kita sedikit tersenyum, memang ada2 saja temanku yang satu ini. Sangat pintar sekali mengolah kata-kata hingga menjadi kalimat-kalimat nan indah namun enak dan nyaman didengar. Ini salah satu karya puisi buatannya.

Lihat!! di atap,
Langit terasa suram,
apa warna catnya yg memang kelam?
padahal setiap pagi kulihat angin terus berputar
seharusnya matahari terus berpijar dong!
ahh cicak aja kulihat membungkam,
apa dia siap menikam?
rasa-rasanya bau hujan yg tadi sempat ku cium bukan begini wanginya,
jatuh satu titik!!..
ehh ternyata apa coba?
hahaha..kukira gabah tahunya bedebah !!!
hahaha.. tahi cicak!! ahaiiii..

Dan yang mo liat karya2nya bisa dilihat di facebooknya ini.

My Experience With Infolinks In My Blog

Did You have known that there is the PPC advertisement text link that just joined by me since last March? That is where we could make the earnings through the PPC program text link from that site.

I knew this Program from any blogs in Indonesia, where at that time I was carrying out routine blogwalking and at that time also I went along to register my blog in the site

The PPC textlink program from this was different from other PPC textlink that had been followed by me, where to install this advertisement really was easy. After your blog being registered then you will get the reply email that is the activated email as Publisher, then followed its guidance from the email. After that we remained put on script that has we have from the site

Then how to install this advertisement? When you used blogspot. here I will inform how to installed the advertisement inside blog. I used this blog with hosting in to install this advertisement that must be carried out by us was :

First : sign in to your infolinks account then Copy the Script in the Integration Guide Page and you can to make some configuration about textlink to display to the Advanced Integration Wizard menu.

And then sign in to your blogger account afterwards clique Layout tab then Edit HTML Look for the code </body> HTML tag (when you used Firefox pressured Ctrl + F then typed </body> to speed up your work).

If you have meet that code and then Paste the script from on/before the </body> code, and don't forget to clique save template. Then automatically the earlier script would be integrated to the text available in the article of your blog. I think, this method is enough to be able to be understood.

look at this picture

We might not change blog display, because text link from infolinks this will be automatic to integrated the text available to the article inside blog.

Apart from by means of that was enough to find it easy to put on textlink, we will also get the earnings definitely from every time textlink that in the clique by the readers of our blog. And definitely I was very happy with results that I could from this textlink Program.

I remember previously once I installed the textlink advertisement that almost like textlink from infolinks, but actually the earnings that I have obtained was very far and different compared with the production that I was obtained from

For payment from the income could be paid through the Paypal account, that definitely could facilitate us to take it. And payment will be done in each end of month.

Since I installed the textlink advertisement from in this blog. I had never felt the significant difficulty let alone being supported with infolinks support that was enough responsive.

So for you who wanted to try to get money for the addition from Please registered your blog as Publisher here.

Tuh kan... Akhirnya Pecah Juga

Tuh kan akhirnya pecah juga, Punya PR dah 3 bulan ini sejak di awal tahun berganti jenis

kelamin Domain yang berbayar ga pernah terkalahkan terpecahkan. Namun hari ini dengan penuh rasa syukur kembali, terwujudnya satu harapan lagi. memang dalam dunia Blogosphere, Google Pagerank adalah salah satu Ranking yang sangat berpengaruh dan sangat erat kaitannya dengan traffic. Seorang Blogger pasti sangat menginginkan PR yang tinggi namun untuk mendapatkan satu Level Ranking saja harus dengan berusaha keras juga. Dan menurut gw ada beberapa hal yang sangat erat kaitannya agar Pagerank sebuah Blog bisa naik yah paling tidak mendapatkan ranking yang paling rendah saja sudah bersyukur seperti blog ini hehehe… suatu hal yang bisa meningkatkan PR menurut gw adalah :

Konten : konten adalah isi dari suatu situs/blog. Buatlah semenarik mungkin agar jika ada yang berkunjung bisa tertarik kembali untuk mengunjungi situs/blog anda.

Update konten : sering-seringlah untuk mengupdate isi dari blog anda, karena itu akan membuat pengunjung akan selalu menemukan suatu hal yang baru di dalam halaman sebuah blog. saran saya minimal update dua hari satu posting, dan setiap hari posting makin ok.

Design : Design blog juga berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan traffic. terkadang pengunjung akan terkesan senang jika melihat sebuah situs / blog yang memiliki Design yang bagus, namun jangan membuat blog anda menjadi berat pada saat loading hanya karena blog anda mempunyai banyak design yang cenderung rumit, itu akan membuat pengunjung jenuh jika untuk membuka halaman saja membutuhkan waktu lama.

Blogwalking : seperti dalam kehidupan nyata Blogwalking bisa juga disebut silaturahmi. Dengan mengunjungi dan memberi komentar kepada Blog sahabat, teman, kawan sejawat seperjuangan sesama Blogger itu akan membantu untuk meningkatkan traffic dalam sebuah blog. Tapi jangan lupa jika kita sudah dikunjungi maka tidak ada salahnya untuk melakukan kunjungan balik, seperti yang di anut blog ini yaitu You Comment I Follow yaitu jika pengunjung memberikan komentar maka akan saya kunjungi kembali dan akan saya beri komentar juga di dalam blog si pengunjung. Apalagi jika Blog anda juga menawarkan dengan embel-embel bahwa Blog anda sudah termasuk yang menganut system Do Follow Blog, itu akan membuat para pengunjung tidak segan-segan untuk memberi komentar karena komentar si pengunjung otomatis akan ter Index oleh Google.

PR bukan Pagerank : saya juga tidak tahu awalnya dari mana ide membuat PR itu, karena ide ini adalah satu ide yang sangat cemerlang. Dengan membuat sebuah PR berantai otomatis akan sangat membantu meningkatkan Traffic yang pada akhirnya akan berujung pada peningkatan Pagerank

Award : sebuah penghargaan atas sebuah blog yang diberikan secara berantai, dan ini hampir sama fungsi dan kegunaannya seperti PR berantai diatas.

Software : Software penarik traffik juga sangat membantu dan mendukung untuk meningkatkan traffic dan pagerank blog anda.

Mungkin segitu aja dulu mengenai hal-hal yang terkait dengan naiknya pagerank sebuah Blog. Jika ada yang ingin menambahkan sangat dipersilahkan untuk menambahkannya di dalam kotak komentar. Saran saya jangan terlalu mengejar dan mengharapkan PR, karena menurut saya seorang Blogger itu bukan PR tujuannya, tapi saling berbagi itulah yang utama.

SEO Dictionary

As a newbie that was studying seo and the online business in the internet occasionally confused with available terms in the world of the internet, for example Page Rank, Tag, Backlink, Anchor, Banned, Click Fraud, Robots.txt, SERPs et cetera. It was for that purpose i was looked for the article that could explain which can give definition what in fact terms like that was written above.

Below is a list of search engine optimization and marketing industry related keywords with their definitions

An algorithm is a set of finite, ordered steps for solving a mathematical problem. Each Search Engine uses a proprietary algorithm set to calculate the relevance of its indexed web pages to your particular Query. The result of this process is a list of sites ranked in the order that the search engine deemed most relevant. Search engine algorithms are closely guarded in order to prevent exploitation of algorithmic results. Search algorithms are also changed frequently to incorporate new data and improve relevancy.

Algorithmic Results
Algorithmic results are the ranked listings search engines provide in response to a Query. They are often referred to as Organic Listings in contrast to Paid Listings because their rank is based on relevancy rather than advertising revenue paid to the search engine. However, paid listings do appear alongside algorithmic results in many search engines, provided they are relevant. Improving a website’s unpaid algorithmic results is known as Natural Search Engine Optimization.

Alt Tag/Alt Text
An alt tag is the HTML text that appears while an image is loading or when a cursor is positioned over an image. Alt text is useful in Search Engine Optimization because it can include keywords that a search engine looks for in response to a query.

Analytics refers to all the technology, programming, and data used in Search Engine Marketing to analyze a website’s performance or the success of an Internet marketing campaign.

Anchor Text
Also known as link text, anchor text is the visible, clickable text between the HTML anchor and tags. Clicking on anchor text activates a Hyperlink to another web site. Anchor text is very important in Search Engine Optimization because search engine algorithms consider the Hyperlink keywords as relevant to the Landing Page.

Also known as back link, backward link, or inbound links, backlinks are all of the links on other websites that direct the users who click on them to your site. Backlinks can significantly improve your site’s search rankings, particularly if they contain Anchor Text keywords relevant to your site and are located on sites with high Page Rank.

Also known as delisted or blacklisted, a banned site is a URL that has been removed from a search engine’s Index, typically for engaging in Black Hat SEO. Banned sites are ignored by search engines.

Banner Ad
A banner ad is a rectangular graphic advertisement. Banner ads are one of the commonest forms of online advertising. Their sizes vary, but most measure 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. Clicking on a banner ad will direct you to the advertiser’s website or a designated Landing Page.

Black Hat SEO
Black hat SEO is the term used for unethical or deceptive optimization techniques. This includes Spam, Cloaking, or violating search engine rules in any way. If a search engine discovers a site engaging in black hat SEO it will remove that site from its Index.

Also known as banned or delisted, a blacklisted site is a URL that has been removed from a search engine’s Index, typically for engaging in Black Hat SEO. Blacklisted sites are ignored by search engines.

Broken Link
Also known as a dead link, a broken link is a link that no longer points to an active destination or Landing Page. Search engines dislike broken links. Keeping all of your site’s links active is an important part of ongoing optimization.

Click Fraud
Click Fraud is the illegal practice of manipulating Cost-Per-Click (CPC) or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) revenue sharing agreements. There are numerous types of click fraud, but in a typical scenario the webmaster of a site that earns money from each click of the advertising links it publishes pays individuals a small fee to click those links. Companies thus pay for advertising to clients who had no intention of buying from them. Some companies have filed class action lawsuits alleging that ad publishers such as Google and Yahoo! have failed to aggressively confront click fraud because they benefit from increased CPC revenue.

Click-through refers to a single instance of a user clicking on an advertising link or site listing and moving to a Landing Page. A higher Click-Through Rate (CTR) is one of the primary goals of Search Engine Optimization.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Click-through rate is the percentage of users who click on an advertising link or search engine site listing out of the total number of people who see it, i.e. four click-throughs out of ten views is a 40% CTR.

Cloaking is the presentation of alternative pages to a search engine Spider so that it will record different content for a URL than what a human browser would see. Cloaking is typically done to achieve a higher search engine position or to trick users into visiting a site. In such cases cloaking is considered to be Black Hat SEO and the offending URL could be Blacklisted. However, cloaking is sometimes used to deliver personalized content based on a browser’s IP address and/or user-agent HTTP header. Such cloaking should only be practiced with a search engine’s knowledge or it could be construed as black hat cloaking.

Contextual Link Inventory (CLI)
Search engines/advertising networks use their contextual link inventory to match keyword-relevant text-link advertising with site content. CLI is generated based on listings of website pages with content that the ad-server deems a relevant keyword match. Ad networks further refine CLI relevancy by monitoring the Click-Through Rate of the displayed ads.

Conversion is the term used for any significant action a user takes while visiting a site, i.e. making a purchase, requesting information, or registering for an account.

Conversion Analytics
Conversion analytics is a branch of Analytics concerned specifically with conversion-related information from organic and paid search engine traffic, such as the keywords converts used in their queries, the type of conversion that resulted, landing page paths, search engine used, etc.

Conversion Rate
Conversion rate is the next step up from Click-Through Rate. It’s the percentage of all site visitors who “convert” (make a purchase, register, request information, etc.). If three users buy products and one user requests a catalogue out of ten daily visitors, a site’s conversion rate is 40%.

Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)
Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is a return on investment model in which return is measured by dividing total click/marketing costs by the number of Conversions achieved. Total acquisition costs ÷ number of conversions = CPA. CPA is also used as a synonym for Cost-Per-Action.

Cost-Per-Action (CPA)
In a cost-per-action advertising revenue system, advertisers are charged a Conversion-based fee, i.e. each time a user buys a product, opens an account, or requests a free trial. CPA is also known as cost-per-acquisition, though the term cost-per-acquisition can be confusing because it also refers to a return on investment model.

Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
Also known as pay-per-click or pay-for-performance, cost-per-click is an advertising revenue system used by search engines and ad networks in which advertising companies pay an agreed amount for each click of their ads. This Click-Through Rate-based payment structure is considered by some advertisers to be more cost-effective than the Cost-Per-Thousand payment structure, but it can at times lead to Click Fraud.

Cost-Per-Thousand (CPM)
Also known as cost-per-impression or CPM for cost-per-mille (mille is the Latin word for thousand), cost-per-thousand is an advertising revenue system used by search engines and ad networks in which advertising companies pay an agreed amount for every 1,000 users who see their ads, regardless of whether a click-through or conversion is achieved. CPM is typically used for Banner Ad sales, while Cost-Per-Click is typically used for text link advertising.

Also known as Spider or Robot, a crawler is a search engine program that “crawls” the web, collecting data, following links, making copies of new and updated sites, and storing URLs in the search engine’s Index. This allows search engines to provide faster and more up-to-date listings.

Also known as banned or blacklisted, a delisted site is a URL that has been removed from a search engine’s Index, typically for engaging in Black Hat SEO. Delisted sites are ignored by search engines.

Description Tag
Also known as a meta description tag, a description tag is a short HTML paragraph that provides search engines with a description of a page’s content for search engine Index purposes. The description tag is not displayed on the website itself, and may or may not be displayed in the search engine’s listing for that site. Search engines are now giving less importance to description tags in lieu of actual page content.

A directory is an Index of websites compiled by people rather than a Crawler. Directories can be general or divided into specific categories and subcategories. A directory’s servers provide relevant lists of registered sites in response to user queries. Directory Registration is thus an important method for building inbound links and improving SEO performance. However, the decision to include a site and its directory rank or categorization is determined by directory editors rather than an Algorithm. Some directories accept free submissions while others require payment for listing. The most popular directories include Yahoo!, The Open Directory Project, and LookSmart.

Doorway Page
Also known as a gateway page or jump page, a doorway page is a URL with minimal content designed to rank highly for a specific keyword and redirect visitors to a homepage or designated Landing Page. Some search engines frown on doorway pages as a softer form of Cloaking or Spam. However, doorway pages may be legitimate landing pages designed to measure the success of a promotional campaign, and they are commonly allowed in Paid Listings.

Dynamic Content
Dynamic content is web content such as Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) that are generated or changed based on database information or user activity. Web pages that remain the same for all visitors in every context contain “static content.” Many e-commerce sites create dynamic content based on purchase history and other factors. Search engines have a difficult time indexing dynamic content if the page includes a session ID number, and will typically ignore URLs that contain the variable “?”.Search engines will punish sites that use deceptive or invasive means to create dynamic content.

Flash Optimization
Flash is a vector graphics-based animation program developed by Macromedia. Most corporate sites feature Flash movies/animation, yet because search engine Crawlers were designed to index HTML text, sites that favor Flash over text are difficult or even impossible for crawlers to read. Flash Optimization is the process of reworking the Flash movie and surrounding HTML code to be more “crawlable” for Search Engines.

Gateway Page
Also known as a doorway page or jump page, a gateway page is a URL with minimal content designed to rank highly for a specific keyword and redirect visitors to a homepage or designated Landing Page. Some search engines frown on gateway pages as a softer form of Cloaking or Spam. However, gateway pages may be legitimate landing pages designed to measure the success of a promotional campaign, and they are commonly allowed in Paid Listings.

Geographical Targeting
Geographical targeting is the focusing of Search Engine Marketing on states, counties, cities and neighborhoods that are important to a company’s business. One basic aspect of geographical targeting is adding the names of relevant cities or streets to a site’s keywords, i.e. Hyde Street Chicago apartments. Another important element of geo-targeting is increasing your site’s presence on Local Search engines.

Geographic Segmentation
Geographic segmentation is the use of Analytics to categorize a site’s web traffic by the physical locations from which it originated.

Google AdSense
Google AdSense is an ad-serving program operated by Google that provides relevant text, image, and video-based advertisements to enrolled site owners. Advertisers register via Google AdWords and pay for ads on a Pay-Per-Click, Cost-Per-Thousand or Cost-Per-Action basis. This revenue is shared with Google AdSense host sites, typically on a PPC basis (which sometimes leads to Click Fraud). Google uses its search Algorithms and Contextual Link Inventory to display the most appropriate ads based on site content, Query relevancy, ad “quality scores,” and other factors.

Google AdWords
Google AdWords is the Keyword Submission program that determines the advertising rates and keywords used in the Google AdSense program. Advertisers bid on the keywords that are relevant to their businesses. Ranked ads then appear as sponsored links on Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) and Google AdSense host sites.

Graphical Search Inventory (GSI)
Graphical Search Inventory is the visual equivalent of Contextual Link Inventory. GSI is non-text-based advertising such as Banner Ads, pop-up ads, browser toolbars, animation, sound, video and other media that is synchronized to relevant Keyword queries.

Gray Hat SEO
Gray hat SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization strategies that fall in between Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO. Gray hat SEO techniques can be legitimate in some cases and illegitimate in others. Such techniques include Doorway Pages, Gateway Pages, Cloaking and duplicate content.

Hidden Text
Hidden text is a generally obsolete form of Black Hat SEO in which pages are filled with a large amount of text that is the same color as the background, rendering keywords invisible to the human eye but detectable to a search engine Crawler. Multiple Title Tags or HTML comments are alternative hidden text techniques. Hidden text is easily detectable by search engines and will result in Blacklisting or reduced Rank.

Hit is a somewhat misleading measure of traffic to a web site. One hit is recorded for each file request in a web server’s access log. If a user visits a page with four images, one hit will be recorded for each graphic image file plus another for the page’s HTML file. A better measure of traffic volume is the number of pages/HTML files accessed.

The acronym HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, the authoring language used to create pages on the World Wide Web. HTML is a set of codes or HTML tags that provide a web browser with directions on how to structure a web page’s information and features.

Also known as link or HTML link, a hyperlink is an image or portion of text that when clicked on by a user opens another web page or jumps the browser to a different portion of the current page. Inbound Links with keyword-relevant Link Text are an important part of Search Engine Optimization Strategy.

An index is a Search Engine’s database. It contains all of the information that a Crawler has identified, particularly copies of World Wide Web pages. When a user performs a Query, the search engine uses its indexed pages and Algorithm set to provide a ranked list of the most relevant pages. In the case of a Directory, the index consists of titles and summaries of registered sites that have been categorized by the directory’s editors.

Inbound Links
Also known as back link, backward link, or backlinks, inbound links are all of the links on other websites that direct the users who click on them to your site. Inbound links can significantly improve your site’s search rankings, particularly if they contain Anchor Text keywords relevant to your site and are located on sites with high Page Rank.

Also known as a page view, an impression is a single instance of an online advertisement being displayed. Search engines and ad networks use impression statistics to charge advertisers on a Cost-Per-Thousand (CPM) basis.

Internet Marketing
On a fundamental level, Internet marketing is using the Internet to advertise, communicate and sell goods and services. On an advanced level, Internet marketing is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which is the use of targeted keywords, crawler-friendly site architecture, Search Engine Submissions and a well-developed link network to improve a site’s Position, Page Rank and Click-Through Rate.

Internet Marketing Consultant
Also known as SEO professionals or SEO specialists, Internet marketing consultants use their knowledge of Search Engine Optimization Strategy to improve their clients’ Position and Page Rank.

Internet Promotion
Also known as search engine promotion, website marketing or website promotion, Internet promotion refers to all methods employed by a company or individual to promote a website and increase its Position and Page Rank.

Also known as search terms or query terms, keywords are the word(s) or phrase(s) a user enters into a search engine’s Query box. A Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranks indexed sites according to how relevant the Search Engine deems them to the searched keywords. One of the most important SEO Strategies companies can employ is to optimize their site pages with content that contains targeted keywords relevant to their products or industry.

Keyword Marketing
Keyword marketing is the use of keyword-optimized content and keyword-specific Link Text to emphasize a site’s relevancy to those terms and thereby increase Rank for related web queries. Keyword marketing can also be done through keyword-based ad programs such as Google AdSense. Keyword marketing is an essential component of Search Engine Optimization.

Keyword Submission
Keyword submission is an all-inclusive term for the keyword research/selection, bid cost assessment and budgeting that companies undertake to begin Pay-Per-Click keyword campaigns with advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Yahoo! Sponsored Search and Microsoft AdCenter.

Landing Page
The landing page is the page on which a visitor “lands” after clicking a search engine listing, email link, Banner Ad, Cost-Per-Click ad, or other ad/link. The landing page can be a site’s homepage, but is usually a page designed to appeal to users who Click-Through a specific ad or link. Landing pages are also used to monitor site traffic and measure an advertising campaign’s success. Well-designed landing pages that are relevant to a user’s keyword query will improve Conversion Rates and play a critical role in Search Engine Marketing.

Also known as hyperlink or HTML link, a link is an image or portion of text that when clicked on by a user opens another web page or jumps the browser to a different portion of the current page. Inbound Links with keyword-relevant Link Text are an important part of Search Engine Optimization Strategy.

Link Baiting
Link baiting is the creation of content that incites users to link to your page from another website. The types of link bait vary tremendously, but they include highly informative articles or news stories, useful resources and sometimes controversial or sensationalistic content. Link baiting is a White Hat SEO technique used to help a site improve its Link Popularity and Page Rank. Some sites use link baiting as the centerpiece of a Website Marketing campaign.

Link Exchange
A link exchange is a quid pro quo arrangement or reciprocal link exchange between two sites. Reciprocal links usually lead to the home page of the associate site.

Link Farm
A link farm is a webpage or group of webpages that exist solely to increase the number of Backlinks in a site’s link network. A link farm is meant to increase a site’s PageRank or popularity and thus improve its search engine Position. However, link farms are considered a form of Spam and sites that rely on them are penalized by search engines.

Link Popularity
Link popularity is the measure of how popular a webpage is by the number of Backlinks it has. However, link popularity is not solely a matter of quantity. Page Rank is achieved when Backlinks are located on reputable, relevant sites rather than so-called Link Farms. Most search engines use link popularity as a factor in their Algorithmic Results.

Link Text
Also known as anchor text, link text is the visible, clickable text between the HTML anchor andtags. Clicking on link text activates a Hyperlink to another web site. Link text is very important in Search Engine Optimization because search engine algorithms consider the hyperlink keywords as relevant to the Landing Page.

Listings are the indexed sites that appear in ranked order on a Search Engine Results Page in response to a user Query.

Local Search
Local search refers to both the addition of geographical keywords (cities, streets, etc.) to Search Terms and the use of Yellow Pages-type Search Engines such as Google Maps, Yahoo! Local and AskCity to find business services in a particular zip code. Search Engine Placement Services use local SEO to help traditional “brick and mortar businesses” connect with customers in their community.

Marketing Analytics
Marketing analytics is a branch of Analytics concerned specifically with marketing-related information from organic and paid search engine traffic, such as Unique Visitors, keyword-generated sales, Cost-Per-Click advertising, Click Fraud, Search Engine Marketing, etc.

Meta Description Tag
Also known as a description Tag, a meta description tag is a short HTML paragraph that provides search engines with a description of a page’s content for search engine Index purposes. The meta description tag is not displayed on the website itself, and may or may not be displayed in the search engine’s listing for that site. Search engines are now giving less importance to meta description tags in lieu of actual page content.

Meta Keywords Tag
A meta keywords tag provides search engines with a list of keywords that are relevant to a webpage. This can improve search engine Rank for a page by ensuring it’s properly indexed. However, search engines are now giving less importance to meta keywords tags in lieu of actual page content.

Meta Robots Tag
A meta robots tag (named for a search engine Crawler or Robot) lets page authors prevent their webpages from being added to a search engine’s Index. Alternatives to a meta robots tag are Robots.txt files and password protection.

Meta Search Engine
A meta search engine derives its listings by running user queries through multiple other search engines and then summarizing the results. A meta search engine does not maintain its own Index. Listings are displayed by meta search engines either in aggregate or categorized by search engine source. An example of a meta search engine is

Meta Tags
Meta tags are HTML tags placed in a webpage that contain information for Crawlers and web browsers. Types of meta tag information include page descriptions (Description Tag), page-relevant keywords (Meta Keywords Tag), whether a page can be indexed (Meta Robots Tag), copyright, page refresh dates and redirection instructions.

Natural Listings (or Natural Optimization)
Also known as organic listings, natural listings are webpage listings that appear on a Search Engine Results Page solely because the search engine Algorithm deems them relevant to the Query. Natural listings can contain Paid Listings, but only if they fulfill the same requirements as natural listings. The best way to improve a site’s natural listing Position is through Natural Search Engine Optimization.

Natural Search Engine Optimization
Also known as natural optimization, organic search engine optimization or white hat SEO, natural search engine optimization is the use of keyword-focused copy and tags, Crawler-friendly site architecture, Search Engine Submissions and a quality Backlinks network to improve a site’s Position, Page Rank and Click-Through Rate. Because about 80% of web users look at Natural Listings first, natural SEO offers a much greater chance of long-term business success than Paid Listings or Pay-Per-Click ad campaigns.

Optimization Services
Also known as Internet promotion, site optimization, or search engine placement service, optimization services are all of the methods a Search Engine Optimization Company uses to improve a site’s Position and Page Rank and increase its Click-Through Rate and Conversion Rate.

Organic Listings (or Organic Optimization)
Also known as natural listings, organic listings are webpage listings that appear on a Search Engine Results Page solely because the search engine Algorithm deems them relevant to the Query. Organic listings can contain Paid Listings, but only if they fulfill the same requirements as organic listings. The best way to improve a site’s organic listing Position is through Natural Search Engine Optimization.

Outbound Links
Outbound links are all links from a particular webpage that lead to other pages, including pages in the same domain. An excessive number of outbound links can damage a site’s Search Engine Positioning because a Spider may perceive it as a Link Farm.

Page Rank (or PR)
PageRank is a link analysis algorithm developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. A number from one (lowest) to ten (highest) is assigned to a webpage as a measure of its importance, specifically the likelihood that a user will arrive at that page by randomly clicking Links. PageRank is not the same thing as Rank.

Paid Inclusion
Paid inclusion is an advertising program offered by some search engines in which a page is guaranteed inclusion in the Index in exchange for a fee. Unlike Paid Placement, the rank of paid inclusion pages is determined solely by the search engine Algorithm. Paid inclusion sites may or may not be labeled as advertisements depending on Search Engine policy.

Paid Listings
Paid Listings, as opposed to Natural Listings or Organic Listings, are sites that appear on a Results Page because money was paid to the search engine for inclusion and/or position. Paid listings is used as an all-inclusive term for the practices of Paid Inclusion and Paid Placement.

Paid Placement
Paid placement is a program in which advertisers’ listings are guaranteed to appear on a Results Page when particular Keywords are searched. The ranking of paid placement listings is determined by competitive bidding. Unlike Paid Inclusion listings, paid placement listings are usually displayed separately from Natural Listings and are labeled as advertisements or sponsored links. Google and Yahoo! Search Marketing (formerly Overture) are two of the largest paid placement search networks.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
Also known as cost-per-click or pay-for-performance, pay-per-click is an advertising revenue system used by search engines and ad networks in which advertising companies pay an agreed amount for each click of their ads. This Click-Through Rate-based payment structure is considered by some advertisers to be more cost-effective than the Cost-Per-Thousand payment structure, but it has at times led to Click Fraud.

Also known as rank, position is the place a website occupies relative to the first listing on an Algorithmic Results page in response to a Keyword query. The first page displays Listings in the one through ten positions, the second page eleven through twenty, etc. Businesses trying to get their site into a top ten position will often employ a Professional Search Engine Optimization company. Consumer studies have shown that most search engine users click only on sites that occupy the top ten positions.

Position Reporting
Position reporting is the monitoring of daily changes in search engine Position for indexed URLs that have been optimized for specific keywords by a Search Engine Optimization Company. Position reporting is also used to generate a Search Engine Ranking Report.

Professional Search Engine Optimization
Professional search engine optimization is the modification of a website by an SEO company in order to increase its Position and Page Rank and improve its Click-Through Rate and Conversion Rate.

A query is a question or instance of questioning. A search engine query is a user’s request for the information (i.e. webpages) in a search engine’s Index that is most relevant to a Keyword or set of Search Terms. Query is sometimes used to mean the actual keywords a user enters in a search box.

Also known as position, rank is the place a website occupies relative to the first listing on an Algorithmic Results page in response to a Keyword query. The first page displays Listings in the one through ten positions, the second page eleven through twenty, etc. Businesses trying to get their site into a top-ten rank will often employ a Professional Search Engine Optimization company. Consumer studies have shown that most search engine users click only on sites that occupy a top-ten rank.

Reciprocal Link Exchange
A reciprocal link exchange is a quid pro quo arrangement or link exchange between two sites. Reciprocal links usually lead to the home page of the associate site.

Also known as search engine registration or search engine submission, registration is the submission of a URL to a Directory or Search Engine for inclusion in its Index. Registration is usually free but can also require payment. Registration is a basic but important part of Search Engine Optimization.

Results Page
Also known as search engine results page, the results page is the collection of ranked Listings displayed in response to a search engine Query.

Also known as Crawler or Spider, a robot is a search engine program that “crawls” the web, collecting data, following links, making copies of new and updated sites, and storing URLs in the search engine’s Index. This allows search engines to provide faster and more up-to-date listings.

Also known as robots exclusion protocol, Robots.txt is a text file stored in a site’s root directory that tells a search engine Crawler which site pages and sub-folders should not be included in the search engine Index. However, there is no guarantee that a Crawler will comply with this request. Robots.txt is an alternative to a Meta Robots Tag or password protection.

SEO Professional
Also known as Internet marketing consultant or SEO specialist, SEO professionals use their knowledge of Search Engine Optimization Strategy to improve their clients’ Position and Page Rank.

SEO Services
SEO services are all of the tools used by a Professional Search Engine Optimization company, including Analytics and Keyword Marketing.

SEO Specialist
Also known as Internet marketing consultant or SEO professional, SEO specialists use their knowledge of Search Engine Optimization Strategy to improve their clients’ Position and Page Rank.

SEO Strategies
SEO strategies are the techniques used in Search Engine Optimization to improve a site’s Position and Page Rank and increase its Click-Through Rate. A few SEO strategies are keyword research and content writing, optimized HTML code, and improved Geographical Targeting.

Search Engine
A search engine is a website that enables users to Query an Index of stored webpages gathered by a Crawler for information relevant to specific criteria expressed via a Keyword or Search Terms. The Rank of information/websites on the corresponding Search Engine Results Pages is determined by relevancy as measured by the search engine’s Algorithm and/or payment made to the search engine by indexed sites. Sites ranked solely by relevancy are known as Natural Listings or Organic Listings in contrast to Paid Listings.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Search engine marketing is an inclusive term for all techniques used to market a website via search engines, including Pay-Per-Click advertising and Natural Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO)
The Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) is a non-profit professional association founded in 2003 to increase awareness of the benefits of search engine marketing and provide educational resources to members and consumers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization is the modification of a website for the purpose of improving its natural Rank on Search Engine Results Pages. This is done through a combination of SEO strategies such as directory and search engine Submission, website optimization, content writing and improved Link quality. Please see our SEO services for details.

Search Engine Optimization Company (SEO Company)
A search engine optimization company employs SEO Strategies to improve a website’s Search Engine Placement.

Search Engine Optimization Consultants
Also known as SEO professionals or SEO specialists, search engine optimization consultants analyze a website’s Position and Keyword strength and offer solutions for improvement.

Search Engine Optimization Software Systems
Search engine optimization software systems enable marketers to generate site data and automatically customize Submission schedules. However, automated submissions should generally be avoided in favor of submissions catered to each search engine’s rules.

Search Engine Optimization Strategy
Search engine optimization strategy refers to the specific optimization plan an SEO company employs for the site promotion of an individual client.

Search Engine Placement
Search engine placement means the tactics used by Site Optimization firms to improve their clients’ Rank. The term search engine placement is sometimes used to mean the Position of a website on a Results Page.

Search Engine Placement Services
Also known as Internet promotion, optimization services or site optimization, search engine placement services are all of the methods a Search Engine Optimization Company uses to improve a site’s Position and Page Rank and increase its Click-Through Rate and Conversion Rate.

Search Engine Positioning
The term search engine positioning can be used in two different ways. The first is to describe the ordering process of indexed websites being ranked by a search engine Algorithm in response to a Query. The second refers to the use of Search Engine Optimization to achieve a higher search engine Position.

Search Engine Promotion
Also known as Internet promotion, website marketing or website promotion, Internet promotion refers to all methods employed by a company or individual to promote a website and increase its Position and PageRank.

Search Engine Ranking Report
A search engine ranking report is a monthly, weekly or daily report of the Position of a company’s website Listing in relation to their top Keywords. Position Reporting enables companies to monitor the success of an SEO strategy or Cost-Per-Click advertising campaign.

Search Engine Registration
Also known as search engine submission or web submission, search engine registration is the submission of a URL to a Directory or Search Engine for inclusion in its Index. Registration is usually free but can also require payment. Search engine registration is a basic but important part of Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Results Page (SERPs)
Also known as a results page, the search engine results page is the collection of ranked Listings displayed in response to a search engine Query.

Search Engine Submission
Also known as search engine registration or web submission, search engine submission is the submission of a URL to a Directory or Search Engine for inclusion in its Index. Registration is usually free but can also require payment. Search engine submission is a basic but important part of Search Engine Optimization.

Search Terms
Also known as keywords or query terms, search terms are the word(s) or phrase(s) a user enters into a search engine’s Query box. A Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranks indexed sites according to how relevant the Search Engine deems them to the search terms that were queried. One of the most important SEO Strategies companies can employ is to optimize their site pages with content that contains targeted search terms relevant to their products or industry.

Shopping Search
Shopping search engines or search engines with a shopping feature (such as Google Product Search, formerly known as Froogle) allow users to comparison shop by providing lists of sellers and prices in response to a product Query. Some shopping search sites require Paid Inclusion or offer Paid Placement.

Site Optimization
Also known as Internet promotion, optimization services or search engine placement service, site optimization refers to all of the methods a Search Engine Optimization Company uses to improve a site’s Position and Page Rank and increase its Click-Through Rate and Conversion Rate.

Spam refers to any and all Search Engine Marketing techniques that violate search engine guidelines or attempt to gain increased Rank for a site using content that is irrelevant, deceptive or of little value to users. Types of spam include Hidden Text, content that contains nonsensical Keyword repetition, deceptive Cloaking or numerous Doorway Pages that redirect users to the same Landing Page. If a search engine detects spamming the offending site will be Blacklisted or lose Position. Spam is a Black Hat SEO technique.

Also known as Crawler or Robot, a spider is a search engine program that “crawls” the web, collecting data, following links, making copies of new and updated sites, and storing URLs in the search engine’s Index. This allows search engines to provide faster and more up-to-date listings.

Also known as search engine registration or search engine submission, submission is the providing of a URL to a Directory or Search Engine for inclusion in its Index. Submission is usually free but can also require payment. Submission is a basic but important part of Search Engine Optimization.

Title Tags
A title tag is an HTML tag which contains a sentence of text describing the contents of its associated webpage. Title tags are a very important part of Search Engine Optimization because they are frequently used as the text links that lead to sites from a search engine’s Results Page. The best title tags contain strategic keywords that will help a site be indexed properly and appeal to human search engine users.

Three-Way Link Exchange
A three-way link exchange is a Reciprocal Link Exchange established between three domains. However, unlike a two-way link exchange, not all three sites link to each other. Page A links to Page B and Page B links to Page C and Page C links to Page A. Page B does not post a reciprocal link to Page A and Page C does not post a reciprocal link to Page B. Three-way link exchanges are used by owners of multiple websites to increase the Link Popularity and Page Rank of new or smaller sites.

Unique Visitor
Unique visitor is a web traffic measuring term which means the registering of at least one hit on one page of a web site from a unique IP address during a specified report period (typically anywhere from twenty-four hours to a month). A subsequent hit(s) by the same IP address is not counted as a unique visitor during that report period. Unique visitor count can be an effective way of measuring the success of an SEO strategy.

Web Analytics
Web analytics is a branch of Analytics that uses web traffic records to study the behavior of website visitors. Data such as Unique Visitors, Hits, page views, and the connection between Landing Pages and Conversion Rates are used to improve a website or marketing campaign.

Website Marketing
Also known as Internet marketing, website marketing is using the Internet to advertise, communicate and sell goods and services. On an advanced level, website marketing is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which is the use of targeted keywords, crawler-friendly site architecture, Search Engine Submissions and a well-developed link network to improve a site’s Position, Page Rank and Click-Through Rate.

Website Optimization
Also known as search engine optimization, website optimization is the modification of a website for the purpose of improving its natural Rank on Search Engine Results Pages. This is done through a combination of optimization strategies such as directory and search engine Submission, Keyword Marketing and improved Link quality.

Website Promotion
Website promotion refers to the marketing aspects of Search Engine Optimization, such as Keyword Submission, Paid Inclusion, and other techniques to increase a site’s exposure.

Website Promotion Services
Also known as search engine marketing, website promotion services is an inclusive term for all techniques used to market a website via search engines, including Pay-Per-Click advertising and Natural Search Engine Optimization.

Website Submission
Also known as search engine registration or search engine submission, website submission is the submission of a URL to a Directory or Search Engine for inclusion in its Index. Registration is usually free but can also require payment. Website submission is a basic but important part of Search Engine Optimization.

White Hat SEO
Also known as natural search engine optimization or organic search engine optimization, white hat SEO is the legitimate use of keyword-focused copy and tags, Crawler-friendly site architecture, Search Engine Submissions and a quality Backlinks network to improve a site’s Position, Page Rank and Click-Through Rate. White hat SEO does not involve the use of Cloaking, Spam or any other Black Hat SEO techniques.

XML is an acronym for Extensible Markup Language, a simple and flexible text-based programming language used in conjunction with HTML. XML is useful for data exchange and the creation of customized tags.

XML Feed
An XML feed is a form of Paid Inclusion or Search Engine Submission in which an XML document is used to provide a search engine with information about multiple web pages. An XML feed is particularly useful for multimedia sites or database sites that draw a variety of relevant search queries.

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