Screamer Radio

Screamer Radio

There is little reason to listen to commercial FM radio anymore, it is an old medium that provides little choice of music and is saturated with ads. For the last couple of years there has been an alternative, streaming internet radio. An alternative that has been somewhat complicated to use.

Screamer Radio attempts to remedy this problem by bringing most of the required steps into a single, easy to use, freeware program.

this is list of indonesian Local Streaming Radio
Daftar beberapa Radio Streaming Lokal (masukkan dalam daftar favorites)

Software tersebut memungkinkan kita untuk mendengar radio tanpa harus akses ke web atau portal, tapi tetap dengan koneksi internet tentunya, cara pemakaiannya seperti biasa :
1. install atau extract, setelah terinstall jalankan screamer radio.exe
2. panggil alamat yang diinginkan (diatas ada beberapa contoh link)

Download salah satu file di bawah ini

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