Making Money with your Blog

Even more of them of Blog Advertising and even more of them blogger that used this opportunity to join the Program of Paid to Review (PTR) feeling-it seems I was not abundant when being said by me that PayingPost was some helpfull for blog with low Pagerank (PR). its reason? , the Paid To Review Program fever that henceforth was acknowledged as PTR that till at this time for some blogger became one of the contributors dollar biggest, evidently could not be followed by all blog, especially that its Pagerank was low. So, you are still get paid to blog.

Was not like this its matter for Payingpost where its PTR Program was quite different. Although already was not considered to be new, PayingPost still could be made one of the alternatives for blogger that want to scraped dollar from their blogs, despite PR in our blog are still 0 (read: zero). For the Condition for the registration in PayingPost then relative really was easy and not complicated. Almost all of the various sorts blog (including blogspot) that submit is always in approve, moreover if its content used English language. After blog in approve, we were asked to put a code to know our blog, in order to proves that we were the legal owner blog that we submit.

Almost every day was job to blogger that joined the PTR Program in Payingpost, only we must be fast and don't lose fast with other blogger to take opportunity available, and must complete it in maximal time 6 hours after we the click reserved or received job Review. In a day, one blog was permitted to take most 3 job, and a person publisher (blogger) might submit blog (that in-approve) up to 10 blog, quite a few not? . Job cheapest (that was met by me) as big as $5 to blog with PR 0 although (the number that according to me was very big for blog that still PR 0). Payment is done a month was very much guarded the month after your income reached $50, through your PayPal account.


  1. Selamat ya mas....

    enaknya di payingpost ini bisa juga di tulis dalam bahasa indonesia lho mas..

    Saya saja dah dapat $5 meskipun nulisnya pake bahasa indonesia... hehehe.....

    BTW Selamat atas Dot Kom nya masisman

    best regard

  2. @ Irma14
    thanks ya

  3. kok saya liat backlink dari halaman ini ya ???

  4. @ Brokencode
    mungkin suhu salah liat ya? tq bang dah mampir


Terima kasih atas kunjungannya, isi komen ya


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